Les Commandes

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Commandes ZeChat.net


NOTE: To use an IRC command in a text box, type a forward slash and then type the

command in the message box.

In the list below, certain characters indicate the type of information you must enter:

A pipe character (|) indicates OR.

Angle brackets (<>) indicate the type of the information you must enter.

Square brackets ([]) indicate an optional part of the syntax.

Curly brackets ({}) indicate that the entry can be multiple.



ACCESS <object> LIST

ACCESS <object> ADD|DELETE <level> <mask> [<timeout> [:<reason>]]

ACCESS <object> CLEAR [<level>]

Used to create, delete and list access entries for an object. An object includes a

channel, a user, or the server.


<object> The object to which access is being granted or limited. Can be a channel

name, nickname, $ or *.

<level> The level of access being given or taken away.

Can be:

DENY – Disallow access to an object that is accessible

GRANT – Allow access to an object that is inaccessible

HOST – Channel host access to specified channel

OWNER – Channel owner access to specified channel

VOICE – Voice access to specified channel

INVITE – Invited access to specified channel

EXCEPT – Bypass ban access to specified channel

<masks> Masks to identify user by nickname, userid, host or server characteristics.

<timeout> Minutes until the access entry is removed. A value of 0 indicates unlimited


An object with GRANT access entries but no DENY entries is assumed to be off-limits to

those users not covered by the GRANT entries. If there are multiple entries in the

access list, the list is processed in the following order: OWNER, HOST, VOICE,

GRANT, DENY. Hosts and Owners may add and delete access entries for their channel.

Hosts may not remove access entries added by owners. Any user may add and delete

access entries for themselves. Server operators on a server may add and delete access

entries for that server or the entire network. A user who has blocked another user does

not get any messages from the blocked user, including invites


Usage: ADMIN

Used to find the name of the administrator of the server.


Usage: AWAY [<message>]

The server will automatically send this message to anyone trying to message you. The

message will also appear in your whois information. It is used to tell people when you

are away from the computer. If you no longer wish to be seen as away you simply use

the command with no message specified.


Usage: CHANSERV <command>

You can use this command to access your IRC service. For more information send

‘HELP’ as the command.


Usage: CHATBACK <channel> [<mins ago>] [<max return>]

You can use this command to retrieve recent activity from the channel transcript log file.


This command is used to clear channel and nickname registration information left behind

after a server connection.


Usage: CREATE <channel> [<modes> [<modeargs>]]

Creates a new channel and/or join an existing channel.


Usage DATA <channel|nickname> <tag> :<message>

Used to send tagged data, requests or replies. The syntax for each is the same, but

clients can use REQUEST to indicate that a REPLY is desired, and use REPLY to

indicate that a REQUEST was issued.


Usage: HELPOPS <message>

This will broadcast the client’s messages to any available help operator otherwise the

command will error saying no one is available.


Usage: IDENTIFY <channel> <password>|<nickname password>

This command is used to identify your ownership of a registered nickname or access to

a specified channel.


This displays information about the server you are connected such as the version, and

up time.


Usage: INVITE <nickname> <channel>

This command is used for inviting clients to join a channel. The server will send a

message to the client informing them of your invitation. In your channel is invite only,

this will allow them to join the channel.


Enables IRCX mode and displays IRCX status. Use ‘ISIRCX’ or ‘MODE ISIRCX’ first to

see if the server supports IRCX.


Usage: ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}

This will check to see if one or more of the nicknames supplied are currently connected.

The server will report back with all the online nicknames.


Usage: JOIN <channel|0>{,channel>} [<password>{,<password>}]

The join command lets you enter a channel. If the channel is password protected you

can supply your in this command. If you are a channel owner or host you can use your

password here as well.

Remark: If you specify 0 as the channel, it will cause you to leave all channels.


Usage: KICK <channel> <nickname>{,<nickname>} [:<reason>]

If you are a channel owner or host you can force clients to leave the channel.


Usage: LASTSEEN <nickname>

This command is used to find out when a client (with a registered nickname) was last

online. Otherwise try using the WHOWAS command.


Usage: LIST [<options>]

This command is used to show all the public rooms on the server. You can use options

to limit the number of channels that are returned.

Example: LIST >100


Usage: LISTX [<options>]

Extended version of the LIST command that returns additional channel properties. Only

the channel modes that do not define an additional argument (TOPICOP, NOEXTERN,

etc.) are included in the reply. Clients should use the query limit to avoid overloading the

client or having the connection dropped by the server.


Usage: LUSERS [<server>]

This command displays information about the number of users currently connecting on

your server and the network.


Usage: MEMOSERV <command>

You can use this command to access your IRC service. For more information send

‘HELP’ as the command.


Usage: MODE <channel|nickname> [<+|-> <modes> [<modeargs>]]

This command is used to set modes on a channel or nickname. For information on

supported modes see below.


Usage: MOTD [<server>]

This command displays the current Message of the day for the server that you specify.

If you do not specify a server it will return the Message of the day of the server you are

currently connected to.


Usage: NAMES [<channel|mask>]

This command shows the nicknames that are in the specified channel. If you do not

specify a channel then the server will reply with all the clients on the network.


Usage: NICK <nickname> [<password>]

This command allows the client to change their nickname to something else.


Usage: NICKSERV <command>

You can use this command to access your IRC service. For more information send

‘HELP’ as the command.


Usage: PART <channel>{,<channel>} [:<reason>]

This command allows the client to leave the specified channel. If you include a

message, the other clients in the channel will be able to see it. If you wish to leave all

channels you can use the ‘JOIN 0’ command.


Usage: PASS <password>

This command is normally used during sighing on to supply your server, nickname or

operator account password.


Usage: PRIVMSG <channel|nickname|*|?>{,<channel|nickname>} :<message>

This command will allow you to send a private message to a channel or client.



To query a property:

PROP <channel> *

PROP <channel> <property>[{,<property>}]

To set or change a property:

PROP <channel> <property> :<data>

To delete a property:

PROP <channel> <property> :

This command allows you to add, change or delete a channel data property.

Each channel object contains a number of properties that can be queried and optionally

updated via the PROP command. Owners and hosts may update a property for their

own channel. Clients and members can read properties only.

Supported Properties:

NAME (R/O) – This property is the name of the channel.

CREATION (R/O) – This property is the time that the channel was created.

LANGUAGE – This property is the preferred language type.

OWNERKEY – This property is the owner keyword that will provide owner

access when entering the channel.

HOSTKEY – This property is the host keyword that will provide host (channel op)

access when entering the channel.

MEMBERKEY – This property is the keyword required to enter the channel.

This is backwards-compatible with RFC1459 because users can still use the

MODE command as an alternative way to set this property.

PICS – This property is the current PICS rating of the channel. Chat clients that

are PICS enabled can use this property to determine if the channel is appropriate

for the user.

TOPIC – This property is the current topic of the channel.

SUBJECT – This property is a string that can contain subject keywords for

search engines.

CLIENT – This property contains client-specified information. The format is not

defined by the server.

ONJOIN – This property contains a string to be sent (via PRIVMSG) to a user

after the user has joined the channel. The channel name is displayed as the

sender of the message. Only the user joining the channel will see this message.

Multiple lines can be generated by embedding '\n' in the string.

ONPART – This property contains a string that is sent (via NOTICE) to a user

after they have parted from the channel. The channel name is displayed as the

sender of the message. Only the user parting the channel will see this message.

Multiple lines can be generated by embedding '\n' in the string.

LAG – This property contains a numeric value between 0 to 2 seconds. The

server will add an artificial delay of that length between subsequent messages

from the same member. All messages to the channel are affected.

RATE – This property contains a numeric value between 0 to 2 seconds. The

server will artificially slow down the rate of the channel. All messages to the

channel are affected.

CAPS – This property contains a numeric value between 0 to 3 that represents

None, Low, Medium and High. The server will automatically make a message

lowercase if a high number of capital characters are used.

JOINS – This property contains a numeric value between -60 to 60. The server

will automatically control the flow of clients joining the channel and will only allow

another client to join after x number of seconds. Using a minus value will disable

the redirect on cloneable channels.

ACCOUNT – This property contains the account the channel is registered to.

CLIENTGUID – This property contains a GUID that defines the client protocol to

be used within the channel.


Usage: QUIT [<reason>]

This command causes the server to terminate your current connection.



REGISTER <channel> [<ownerkey> <hostkey>]

REGISTER <nickname> <password>

This command allows a client to register a channel or nickname instead of issuing the

command via CHANSERV and NICKSERV.


Usage: SILENCE [<+|-><mask>]

This command allows you to ignore a specific client. You will no longer receive notices,

private messages or invitations. . To remove a silence, use the minus symbol to

indicate you wish to remove the entry.


Usage: SQUIT <server> [<reason>]

This command is used to disconnect the specified server from the network. The

CONNECT command can be used to re-establish the connection if your server is

configured to connect out.


Usage: STATS <option>

This command is used for viewing information such as existing bans, operator accounts,

server link profiles, etc. The option is normally a single character such as k, o, c, etc.


This command displays the current local time and date of the server you are connected



Usage: TOPIC <channel> [:<topic>]

This command is used to change the channel topic. The channel topic is usually the first

thing people see about a channel.


Usage: UNREGISTER [<channel>]

This command is used to drop a nickname or channel registration you no longer wish to



Usage: USERS [*]

This command is only available to server administrators. It can be used to return a list of

all locally connected clients. If you specify a *, the server will return a list of unknown



Usage: WATCH <+|-><nickname|channel>{,<+|-><nickname|channel>}

This command is used to create a notify list on the server. When a client connects or

goes offline the server will automatically inform you. This also allows you to watch

channels and tells you when they are in use.


Usage: WHISPER <channel> <nickname>{,<nickname>} :<message>

This command is used to send private messages to people within a channel.


Usage: WHO [<channel|nickname|mask>{,<channel|nickname|mask>} [<g|h|o|w>]]

This command is used to query the server or channels. The command will reply with a

list of nicknames, included is their status on channels, if they are away and real names.


Usage: WHOIS <nickname|mask>{,<nickname|mask>}

This command is used to display detailed information about a nickname. This includes

information such as the time they logged on, how long they have been idle, if they are

away, the channels they are occupying, etc.


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